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Healing through the Power of the Human-Canine Bond

New Life K9s is dedicated to preventing suicides, enriching relationships, reducing

homelessness, saving resources, and lowering dependence on medications.


Through the power of the human-canine bond, we ensure that those who’ve sacrificed for our

communities receive the life-changing support of a service dog—at no cost to them.

military uniform members hands

22 for


Veteran Suicide Prevention

22 Veterans die

by suicide everyday. Your donation could save a life

white labrador service dog in sitting postion



Service Dogs for PTSD

Learn more about our service dogs in training and how you can make a difference

dog handler handing off brown labrador's Little Debbie's leash to police chief Cash

Training Program

Incarcerated Rehabilitation

New Life K9s teams up with incarcerated individuals seeking to make a difference.

Dog handlers giving brown service dog in training a bath.


Recidivism of Incarcerated 

Dog Handlers

Patriotic Service Dog Black Labrador American Flag Valor New Life K9s next to military uni


Dogs Placed

With Veterans + First Responders

White labrador service dog in training with dog handler in store aisle.




Help Us Make A Difference

We believe in the healing power of the human canine bond. Your donation can help us continue to create a brighter future for

veterans & first responders living with PTSD.

Veteran & First Responder Recipients 

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