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Grievance Procedure Policy
  • Son Care Foundation, New Life K9s and all of its programs value empathy, respect, service, and compassion
    for all people. New Life K9s is aware that there may be times when staff, volunteers, and/or
    clients need to file an official complaint about unjust treatment, harassment, and/or health and
    safety concerns in the workplace. This grievance procedure policy was created to clearly outline
    the process for these instances to ensure that all of our staff, volunteers, and clients are heard
    and treated equally.
    The purpose of this grievance procedure policy is to explain the scope and definition of grievances, outline the process for reporting and closing a grievance, define the program’s
    confidentiality measures, and describe the disciplinary action steps for policy violations.
    This policy is applicable to all New Life K9s employees, interns, volunteers, and clients. A
    grievance can be filed against any New Life K9s or Son Care Foundation employee, including
    senior management and shareholders.
    New Life K9s defines the following terms:
    ● Staff as paid employees or interns responsible for carrying out the program mission who
    are compensated either financially or with working hours to complete a certification.
    ● Volunteer as any person who has agreed to assist staff in furthering the mission of New
    Life K9s without compensation, be it financial or otherwise.
    ● Client is defined as any person who has completed any portion of recipient applications,
    be they for assistance dogs, warrior support dogs, facility dogs, best friend dogs, or any
    other designation of placement.
    ● Grievance is a formal operational-related complaint, issue, and/or objection made by an
    Before filing an official grievance complaint, New Life K9s asks that all staff, volunteers, and
    clients review the policy that directly impacts their complaint. For example, if an individual files
    an equal opportunity complaint, they must consult the company’s Equal Opportunity Policy.
    New Life K9s encourages individuals to resolve minor disputes with the help of a supervisor. If
    the informal complaint is not fairly and constructively resolved within 5 working days, the
    individual may file a formal grievance.
    Individuals may file grievances when:
    ● They have been victims of workplace harassment.
    ● Their health and safety have been compromised.
    ● They've witnessed poor supervisor/management behavior.
    ● Policy guidelines are violated.
    ● There is a dispute between co-workers, clients, and/or management.

  • New Life K9s also recognize that every case is different, and this list is not exhaustive and is
    subject to change.
    Filing a Grievance
    It is the policy of New Life K9s/ Son Care Foundation that applicants/ clients/ graduates,
    volunteers and the general public should have an opportunity to present their
    complaints and to appeal management decisions through a dispute resolution
    procedure. New Life K9s/ Son Care Foundation will attempt to promptly resolve all
    disputes that are appropriate for handling under this policy.
    ● New Life K9s/ Son Care Foundation hopes that most concerns regarding
    disputes/ complaints at New Life K9s/ Son Care foundation may be settled by the
    people closest to the issue.
    ● This dispute resolution procedure has steps to follow, however, disputes may be
    resolved at any step in the process. Disputes will be processed until the
    complaint is satisfied, or does not appeal the decision made during any of the
    steps of the dispute resolution process. A decision becomes binding on all
    parties when a complainant does not appeal the decision or when a decision is
    made in the final step and the right of appeal no longer exists.
    ● Complainants who feel they have an appropriate dispute should process as
    ○ Step one: Promptly bring the complaint to the attention of the immediate
    person in charge. If the dispute involves the most immediate person, then
    the complainant may proceed directly to step two. The person in charge
    should investigate the complaint, attempt to resolve it, and give a decision
    to the complainant within a reasonable time. The person in charge should
    prepare a written and dated summary of the dispute and proposed
    resolution for the file. If the complainant and the person in charge are not
    able to resolve the issue or if the complainant is dissatisfied with the
    decision, the complainant may proceed to the next higher level of
    ○ Step two: Promptly bring the complaint to the attention of the next level of
    management, continued to the Executive Director/ CEO/ President, if the
    complainant is dissatisfied with the decision. If the concern is not resolved
    to the complainant’s satisfaction by the Executive Director/ CEO/
    President, the complainant may submit a request for review in writing to
    the President of the program’s board of directors. The President/
    equivalent of the program's board will review the case and make a final
    ○ Step three: Should satisfactory resolution of a complaint not be reached
    within the mechanism provided by the ADI Accredited Member or

  • Candidate Program, the ADI Executive Director will receive a written
    complaint form from the complainant, and recommend to the ADI program
    that they make every attempt to resolve the situation. ADI does not judge
    the merits or attempts to resolve a complaint. ADI is concerned that the
    ADI Accredited Member or Candidate Program meets ADI standards and
    has a complaint policy and practices a procedure which offers the
    complainant an avenue of appeal up the chain of command to the board of
    directors of the program. ADI does not have the investigative expertise or
    resources to mediate or resolve complaints.

  • ● Information concerning a complainant should be confidential. Those who
    investigate a complaint may discuss it only with those individuals who have a
    “need to know” about it or who are to supply necessary background information
    or advice.

  • New Life K9s Responsibilities
    It is the responsibility of New Life K9s to:
    ● Accept and thoroughly investigate all claims.
    ● Ensure that the complaint is resolved within 30 days, depending on the severity of each
    ● Treat all parties fairly throughout the process.
    ● Adhere to a no-retaliation policy when employees file a complaint against management.
    ● Organize mediation meetings between parties when appropriate.
    ● Practice a high level of confidentiality throughout the process.
    ● Accept and investigate all appeals.
    ● Ensure the final decision is implemented and adhered to.
    ● Maintain accurate and complete records of each grievance.
    Policy Violations
    If an employee is found to have violated the grievance procedure policy, they will be subject to
    disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The severity of each case will determine the
    type of disciplinary action, which may include a verbal or written warning, suspension, and/or
    If an employee is unequivocally proven to have committed the grievance they are accused of,
    New Life K9s will take disciplinary action to ensure the matter is resolved justly and according to
    company guidelines.

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