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Jessica Jimenez

As you scroll through your favorite social media platform singing dogs and sassy cats flash before your eyes. Scroll, scroll, scroll, until you see a handler with their service animal, sharing their everyday experiences with the world, and your curiosity forces you to stop and investigate. 

Today’s post is dedicated to introducing you to just a few impressive service animal social media accounts.

This account’s bio reads “Mass Service Dog Team-chronic illness warrior.” @jakethes.d boasts over 700k followers and 36.3 million likes on TikTok. This is not a surprise considering that this account shows behind the scenes content with Haylee (the handler) and Jake (the service dog), the medical/cardiac alert service dog.

This account gives a unique look into the everyday life of a handler with their service dog. The audience gets to see the handlers point of view during real interactions with the public, highlighting both the struggles and triumphs of service dog work. Best of all, we can see Haylee persistently educating the public about service animals, adults, and children.

You can find Desiree, also known as @wheel.ghoul, on Instagram. Her service animal, Sirius Black, is referred to as a “Magical Service Dog.” Sirius is a Poodle who is as stylish as he is professional. The content of this account is filled with positivity and teamwork. 

Last, but not least, is Mike and his service animal Coop. Mike is a USMC veteran and Coop is his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) service dog. You can find his account on both Instagram and Tiktok. On Tiktok, this account has over 300k followers and 4.5 million likes. Mike is a Til Valhalla Project ambassador. The Til Valhalla Project is an apparel company focusing on apparel and plaques to honor military personnel. They donate 20% of sales toward reducing suicides in veterans and the 22 a Day movement. The 22 a Day became a movement standing for the 22 veterans that take their lives everyday.  What I love the most about this account is how openly Mike speaks about the pain and struggles as a veteran and in doing so inspires hope and appreciation in his audience. 

Final Thoughts

Service animal social accounts give us a glimpse into the world of a handler with their service dog, and the content is so heartwarming. It is amazing to see interactions from a handler’s point of view. You can follow New Life K9s on social media including Facebook and Instagram for more service animals related content. 

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