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Laura Rafner

If you don’t actively work within the world of nonprofit management or philanthropy, you might not be aware of the upcoming international event known as GivingTuesday, held on November 30th, 2021, or annually on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. What started out as a response to the hugely popular consumerism events such as Cyber Monday and Black Friday, GivingTuesday is the equivalent event for the world of philanthropy. However, instead of highlighting great sales deals on appliances or home decor, this day for charities is focused on encouraging as many people as possible around the world to come together one day a year and inspire acts of kindness. New Life K9s is also participating in this global event for progress and is promoting its humanitarian missions this November.


To provide a little more background on the benevolent impact of GivingTuesday, you must first understand the scale this annual event has reached globally. The concept of GivingTuesday has been so successful since its inception in 2012, that it has evolved into a powerful international movement with more than 150 countries participating annually. If you are having a little trouble this week (or this year) feeling that humanity is on track, look no further than the GivingTuesday reports gathered in 2019, when the combined efforts of nonprofits around the world raised a staggering $511 million in online donations and an estimated total of $1.97 billion donations when you combine offline and online contributions together. 

The concept of GivingTuesay itself came from humble origins. It started as a social media promotion created by a small group of nonprofits looking to encourage communities to do good. It was founded on the premise that no one person can do everything, but everyone can do something. When we choose to work together, the impact of these efforts can multiply exponentially in ways we are only beginning to understand. Any 501c3 organizations can participate in GivingTuesday, and no formal registration is necessary. However, you can find more information about this movement on the official GivingTuesday website.


New Life K9s had decided to join in this movement as well to help passionate individuals find ways to participate in supporting our mission. What is nearest and dearest to our organization’s heart is sharing the healing power of service dog partnerships with those who are struggling and giving these individuals a second chance at life through this partnership. We have experienced this power firsthand and we have proven through evidence-based practices the positive impact that can be made from working with a service dog. This, in the case of New Life K9s, improves most notably but not exclusively the wellbeing of first responders and veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Through New Life K9s’s programs, we are striving to spread the message that no one has to suffer alone in silence. 

A focus this year of GivingTuesday with New Life K9s is directing contributions towards acquiring the next generation of dogs to enter our service dog training programs. As all graduations are bittersweet, we are so proud that many of New Life K9s' dogs are successfully completing their training and acquiring placements with recipients. As a result, we as an organization are relying on donors to help ensure we have funding to bring more dogs into the program to fill the gap of those ending their journey to begin a new one. To contribute to New Life K9s you can find our giving page below! 

Help save lives and donate to our cause!

New Life K9s places service dogs with veterans and first responders with PTSD at no cost to the veterans and first responders.


  1. Givingtuesday. GivingTuesday. (2021, November 10). Retrieved November 16, 2021, from   

  2. Kavanagh, M. (2021, August 31). What is giving Tuesday? need-to-know facts. Classy. Retrieved November 16, 2021, from  

  3. What is giving Tuesday and why should you participate. Network for Good. (2021, October 26). Retrieved November 17, 2021, from

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